We have a Very Powerful system that works, if you want to reduce your pain and live more comfortably, book an appointment with our specialists, Sam or Charmaine today! 


Photo of Sam and Charmaine
Sam and Charmaine your Pain Relief Specialists.

Hello and Welcome to our Tried and Tested Pain Relief Clinic.

Chronic pain can range in being a slight niggle that is always in the background, to an excruciating level where you are incapacitated by it and have to put your life completely on hold. We can and do help clients with Fibromyalgia Pain.

We know, because we have been there ourselves. The journey out of chronic pain and back into regular life, led us to focus on refining a collection of hand-picked natural therapies that are proven to work. We have a full – suite of techniques which are fast, and effective pain relief for a wide range of applications and needs, specifically pain relief.

Our techniques focus specifically on reducing pain, rather than as remedies for illness or injury. Because no matter how quickly your body is healing from the cause of the pain, it can sometimes be unbearable waiting for things to get better.

That is where we come in to provide you with pain-relieving services, in order to make your life more comfortable.

We have a strong track record of achieving results quickly in our Pain Relief Clinic.

While your doctor will most likely have a wide range of options regarding pain medications for you to try. It is important to know that these can be either combined, with or replaced by non-medication-based approaches to pain relief, such as Kinesiology or jaw work. We use Kinesiology and Jaw Balance R.E.S.E.T. with other Powerful Natural Therapies.


Sam and Charmaine Girgenti, are located in the Northern Beaches area of Townsville.

Sam and Charmaine pain Relief specialists.
Sam and Charmaine your Pain Relief Specialists.

It would surprise many people to find out that sometimes our discomfort and pain is hereditary e.g. coming from our parents or ancestors. That is where we come in to provide you with pain-relieving services in order to make your life more comfortable

We have many powerful techniques and tools available to help reduce and relieve your Pain and Discomfort.

A lot of new clients leave it too long before contacting us, believing that the treatment they are currently on will eventually work. If you are still experiencing strong pain after 1 month then we firmly believe you should start looking elsewhere to find that elusive relief.

We have a Very Powerful hand-picked system that works. If you want to reduce your pain and live your life more comfortably, book an appointment today at our Pain Clinic with specialists Sam or Charmaine!