Video Library

Below are videos that Philip Rafferty our instructor made showing the results of his Kinergetics balances from around the world and how these people were helped.

We thank Philip Rafferty the founder of Kinergetics, Jaw R.E.S.E.T. and BNT for all the work he has done to produce these video’s below in our Video Library. The videos are from around the world showing the results of Philips Kinergetics Kinesiology Balances.

Philip Rafferty continues to teach around the world and there is much more information available on his website

And on his Facebook page

Fibromyalgia Pain

Arthritis Pain

Migraine Pain

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Pain

We have a Very Powerful system that works, if you want to reduce your pain and live more comfortably, book an appointment with our specialists, Sam or Charmaine today!